Just right before New Year’s I had the honor of being asked to conduct a review of Green Mountain Diapers’ Workhorse Fitted Diapers. I was ecstatic, eager, and couldn’t wait to try them out!
Let me start off by sharing a brief story:
Back before I was even pregnant, I knew I wanted to cloth diaper my babies. However, in my lazy and very short-sighted search for a cloth-diapering system while pregnant, I picked some great Thirsties Duo-Wrap diaper covers but unfortunately, chose some “antimicrobial microfiber bamboo inserts,” that eventually proved to be a waste of money for us. I didn’t do any research on how you really cloth diaper. I naively figured “What’s to know? Just get these diaper inserts and covers and that’s all!” I didn’t know what prefolds were. I really kick myself for this, because the inserts I chose ended up being a big waste of money. Not only is microfiber a bit of a hassle to clean, the fabric also retains smells and stains really easily. I thought using inserts under the diaper cover was all we needed! I ended up with 24 of these really soft but essentially unusable inserts that didn’t do the job like it should’ve.
A little research and asking around BEFORE Jia was 2 months old would’ve saved a lot of time, money, and loads of poopy outfits and diaper covers.
As Green Mountain Diapers says, “You can’t be successful at cloth diapering if you don’t own good cloth diapering supplies!” (greenmountaindiapers.com; About Us)
Green Mountain Diapers, cloth-diapering gurus
I noticed on Facebook that one of my friends from nursing school cloth-diapered her little girl, so I sent her a message asking for advice, disgruntled with my current situation – I was about ready to give up on cloth diapering. She turned me to 100% cotton Cloth-eez Prefold diapers. I did a google search and realized Cloth-eez was only sold and manufactured by Green Mountain Diapers (GMD) and quickly found that they really are the best cloth-diapering resource online. I’m not just saying that because they asked me to do a review; 100% honest. I suggest them to anyone who asks me about cloth! Anyway, GMD are a tried and true family-owned cloth-diapering company in business since 1998 and offer a HUGE selection of cloth diapering supplies from many different popular companies (Blueberry, Thirsties, Bummis, Disana Wool, Potty Pails, etc.), as well as their own high-performance and high-quality Cloth-eez and GMD products.
Their “New to Cloth Info” FAQ page is really a quick and dirty summary of what you need to know about cloth diapering, what you’re getting yourself into, and they even offer various bundle suggestions depending on your budget for getting started. I really wish I’d found this website when I was pregnant, but like I said, I was lazy.
The Cloth-eez Workhorse Fitted Diaper
After choosing and using GMD’s 100% cotton Cloth-eez Prefold diapers, I have always been impressed with their performance, however, I always looked longingly at the Workhorse Fitted Diaper. You see, prefolds are those flat rectangular diapers that require you to first fold before placing and securing around your baby or laying in your diaper cover. Prefolds are super cheap, they’re the traditional standard cloth diaper type. They do require a little bit of skill and dexterity for folding and pinning, which is sometimes hard to come by with a wriggling baby. (click here to see 100% Cotton Cloth-eez Prefolds)

Doubler shown in Organic Fitted
The Cloth-eez Workhorse diaper, on the other hand, is a slightly-more-pricey-but-DEFINITELY-worth-it diaper made of the same fabulous 100% cotton weave that you get with a prefold, but it has the genius feature of being sewn and contoured to a baby’s shape.
Each Workhorse comes with an attached absorbent “doubler” layer where your baby needs it the most and is unattached at the other end so it allows for efficient dry time in your clothes dryer.
Elasticized leg gussets keep solids and liquids where they should; inside the diaper.
Workhorse Fitteds come with or without snaps, so you can customize your fit with a diaper pin or Snappi or you can diaper with time-saving quick securing snaps; either way they are the same price: between $5-11 each, depending on the size you need. (see their website for pricing details)
Organic and non-organic varieties are available and are all chlorine-free and unbleached, so harsh chemicals are never used in the manufacturing of these diapers. Organic diapers are only 25 cents more a piece and are super soft.
And just like the Cloth-eez Prefolds, the Workhorse Fitteds are no-fuss when it comes to doing laundry. Just throw them in your washer and dryer with regular non-specially formulated detergent!
The Fitted Difference
As mentioned above, with a prefold, you need to fold your diaper whichever way suits your baby’s diapering needs the best. Prefolds from Cloth-eez range from $1-4 each and are the cheapest way to cloth diaper your baby.
The Cloth-eez Workhorse Diapers on the other hand, are a little pricier but they do all the hard work for you; they truly are workhorses! They literally. Do. All. The. Work. You just put it on your baby like you would a regular diaper and place a diaper cover on top. It takes about 10-15 seconds to diaper your baby with a Workhorse, compared to what feels like it can take up to 5 whole minutes on a wriggly-refusing-baby-day with folding and pinning a prefold.
The Cloth-eez Workhorse Fitted Diaper is a cloth-diapering GAME CHANGER!
In a matter of seconds I was totally and completely sold on Cloth-eez Workhorse Fitted Diapers. They make cloth diapering unbelievably simple, efficient, and hassle-free. Caregivers, grandparents, spouses alike will have no problem.
Please watch the video below to see the Workhorse Difference!
Don’t forget to visit GMD’s website to browse all products from their Cloth-eez line and other cloth-diapering vendors! They charge a flat-rate $4.95 for ridiculously fast shipping, with most orders arriving in 2-3 days – literally, every time I’ve placed an order, it arrives in 2 days! So fast! (Free shipping with orders $75 or more) Their customer service is so impressive with lightning fast responses and the people there are so friendly!
Thank you to Green Mountain Diapers for giving me the honor of reviewing these lifesavers! I love your company and am a loyal customer forever!
Tiny Gazer Tee c/o The Tiny Collection (www.thetinycollection.com)
Workhorse Organic Non Fastened Diaper c/o GMD
Workhorse White with Snaps Diaper c/o GMD
Kissas by Kissaluvs Marvels Diaper Cover in Hip Pink c/o GMD
I received the Cloth-eez White Workhorse Fitted Diaper with snaps, Cloth-eez Organic Workhorse Fitted Diaper , and Kissas by Kissaluvs Marvels Diaper Cover free of charge from Green Mountain Diapers to facilitate this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Thank you for the video!
Can you explain me, it is first time i see something like this and just didnt get it all yet 🙂
If you are using prefold/workhorse without cover, baby cloth will be wet? Or they dont get wet so quickly after pee? 🙂 I saw many pictures of baby, especially newborns, who wear only prefolds without cover…
Using cover, do you have to change it after every toilet time? or it doesnt smell/get dirty at once?
And one more question, maybe you have tried diapers all in one, with inserts, like Blueberry, Fuzzibunz. What is the main difference using prefolds/workhorse or all in one?
Thank you for answer 🙂
Sorry for the years-long response to this! I went silent on the blog! The inserts/workhorses do remain wet, but the cotton actually pulls the fluid away from the surface, trapping wetness in the inner layers. I would never do pre-folds without a waterproof cover! I think sometimes on social media the workhorses are so pretty and neutral colored, so they’re photographed that way, but it’s not practical in the real sense 🙂 I did try AIO’s (all in one’s), ones with inserts, etc. and my favorite were workhorses or pre-folds with a waterproof cover ontop. If money or space limitations were never an issue, I’d love to be fortunate enough to use all in one’s exclusively, but it seems like the drying time in the dryer or out in the sun may be a hindrance.
Sorry for the years-long response to this! I went silent on the blog! The inserts/workhorses do remain wet, but the cotton actually pulls the fluid away from the surface, trapping wetness in the inner layers. I would never do pre-folds without a waterproof cover! I think sometimes on social media the workhorses are so pretty and neutral colored, so they’re photographed that way, but it’s not practical in the real sense 🙂 I did try AIO’s (all in one’s), ones with inserts, etc. and my favorite were workhorses or pre-folds with a waterproof cover ontop. If money or space limitations were never an issue, I’d love to be fortunate enough to use all in one’s exclusively, but it seems like the drying time in the dryer or out in the sun may be a hindrance. And yes, those for sure get soiled and then you change them. Some parents throw on a topper (liner? I forget the term, my second kiddo is no longer in diapers) to stretch it out if they’re out and about.
Good read, thank you! I ordered some Diaper Rite fitteds to try, but I definitely want to try GMDs workhorses too.
I’m glad you enjoyed reading! Thanks for stopping by! And it looks like Diaper Rite fitteds are thisclose to GMD workhorse diapers! When you try the Workhorse Fitteds, please let me know which you liked best!
Which covers do you use with your workhorse fitteds?
Hi Kari!
I still use Thirsties Duo wrap snapped covers. I love them and after trying those and Bummies, I am happiest with the protection of them. I found that I prefer the elastic leg gussets with the elasticized front panel versus the non-elastic front version (like the Kissas one that was provided for the review).
With cloth, everyone has a different take, as well as preferences for what they’re most comfortable with. Sometimes it helps to try a few through a cloth diapering service before you narrow down your favorite brands (from what I’ve heard from other moms who cloth diaper). I just tried a few different methods and many dollars later found what was easiest!
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