- Our Little Artist: As you can see from the post photo, Jia now has an art table. I snagged this table + 2 chairs from good ol’ Ikea for $19.99! A steal! Regular price! It weighs about 5 pounds and it has great little tiny person chairs that come with it. I haven’t been to Target yet, to stock up on some Washable Crayons or those special magic kid markers that only mark on special paper, but those are on the Target shopping list. She really loves her little table and the markers, really likes trying to eat the markers in between scribbles, actually. But, she is really good at putting the caps onto her markers (my highlighters) now. It only took her a few minutes after I showed her. She’ll turn the cap to the correct side in her hands and insert the marker tip. She loves doing it! I’m guessing this is the appropriate age for this sort of thing, but all I’m thinking is, “you’re such a little genius!” Haha…
- So since she loves putting the caps onto markers, she like, REALLY loves it. She’ll hand me markers so I can take the caps off of them, and if I don’t, she lets me know. (by yelling at me) So, as the loyal servant to my child, I keep uncapping the markers for her, and she keeps on scribbling on the table itself, scribbling her chin, drawing on the paper, getting blue and green on the corners of her mouth, dropping markers on the floor, and then, eventually, re-capping them.
- Our witching hour is now 4 PM until bath time. No, scratch that. It’s 4 PM-bathtime and then again during PJ time. She becomes irate if she doesn’t have additional food options in front of her. She’s irate if I don’t pick her up, after I was just holding her and she pushed away from me. She gets mad if I take her clothes off for her bath, but squeals out of giddiness to run down the hallway naked. Ha 🙂 Little crazy person.
- But if she’s mad, taking her outdoors completely eases her frustration and keeps her occupied for an unknown length of time (because I have always taken her inside before she even hints at being finished with the yard).
- She’s experimenting with different terrain, learning to steady herself while walking and standing.
- I think we’ve weaned away from one of her four feedings. She used to nurse at 8 AM, 11 AM, 4 PM, and 7 PM, but for the past week she’s been pretty much completely dropped the 4 PM feeding (disinterested, would rather play, impatient). I wonder what’ll happen naturally with the remaining feedings; if they’ll drop naturally at all.